“Altamura bread, by far is the best bread to be had, so good that a wise traveller takes a supply with him for his onward journey.” – Horace’s Satires, 37 BC
For more than 2000 years, Altamura wheat has remained unchanged. It is the purity of this grain that has given Altamura bread much of its uniqueness and the only bread in the world protected by a PDO (Protected Designation of Origin). Our premium spirit uses the ancient grain of Altamura, guaranteeing a unique taste not found in any other spirit.
Made from a mixture of local ancient durum wheat varieties, such as Appulo, Arcangelo, Duilio, Simeto, and other varieties grown in Altamura, our Premium Vodka meets the chemical and physical criteria established in the regulation that defines the PDO of Pane di Altamura. That’s why our product is simply unique.